Year 8 News

By Terry Tarapi | Posted: Wednesday July 6, 2016
Term 2 Wrap!

Kia Ora Parents and Caregivers

Thank you for your support in the running of all our programmes this term. Over the last 2 weeks we have had a number of celebrations to conclude what has been a successful term.

In particular all Year 8s attended the large ball festival at the Edgar Centre. It was a hive of activity with class teams playing futsal, volleyball and netball. Sport was definitely the winner on the day with all teams displaying enthusiasm and teamwork. Another celebration was our flight extravaganza. Representatives from each class made paper planes to compete in 3 categories. The challenges were distance, aerobatics and glide time.

Next term will be more of the same as we begin our integrated unit called Impact. This will see us investigating The Olympic Games and the issues that arise from this major sporting event. From the impact of pollution, cheating, drugs, innovation, values….The key question that the students will be investigating is “In what ways do the Olympics Impact on us in the 21st century?”

We have planned a variety of saturation activities to take place beginning Week 3. During this 2 week period the students will keep a log of questions about the topics that interest them. A major component of our studies will involve the students completing an inquiry project. They will be able to research a topic individually or in a small group keeping a detailed log of their learning in the process. This will be similar to the science fair project where students get to direct their own learning.

The beginning of next term is extremely busy with high school visits, either in the form of open evenings and mornings. We understand that this can be an unsettling time for students, and parents, who are unsure about their secondary school options. Hopefully the earlier newsletter which outlines the times of visits has helped with this.

Take care, enjoy the break, recharge the batteries and see you in 2 weeks.

Kind Regards

Year 8 Teachers
