Message from the Principal

By Andrew Hunter | Posted: Sunday October 30, 2016
We're gearing up for a great final term. Plenty of activity and special events will make for a busy end to the year!

It really is hard to believe that we are approaching the end of the year. It is an important time at Balmacewen as we help our Year 8's put the finishing touches to their primary education. Over the course of the term there are many events and activities to keep engagement high. We continue to promote high expectations for student attitude and behaviour. Student participation in special end of year events will be based on these expectations and it is important that they display our school values of Perseverance, Excellence, Respect and Kindness. I look forward to all students making the most of their opportunities over the next 6 weeks. 

I would like to thank and congratulate all students and staff who took part in our recent school production #Histogram. This original and entertaining show was a great success and showcased the wide array of talent at Balmacewen. Well done to all involved!

Teaching staff are busy collating achievement information for end of year reports. We utilise a wide variety of assessments to build a profile of your child's learning and social development. Along with this we suggest next learning steps for students to consider. Reports are sent home with students on the final day of the year ( December 15).

You are also warmly invited to attend our final prize giving assembly which will be held in our school hall 11.00am on 15 December. 

Finally, let's hope the weather continues to improve so that we can fully enjoy our end of year programme.

As always, please contact me if I can be of assistance.

Kind Regards

Andrew Hunter