Block 3 Celebration

By Hannah Cowie | Posted: Thursday November 30, 2017
In Block 3 we have been doing Celebration as our ASPIRE this term. Read on.....

In Block 3 we have been doing Celebration as our ASPIRE this term. 

To raise money for our week of celebration, we held a sausage sizzle and organised our Mini Fair.  

Wow, what a success! The fair raised $1,345.30. There was Raro, sherbet, pick a stick, dunk the teacher, bake sale, face paint and more. 

We were very lucky to have one of our stalls be sponsored by a cafe named Modaks. This great cafe gave the hot dog stall ninety buns for free. This meant that we saved a lot of money and made extra profit.  A big thank you to Modaks for sponsoring. 

Thank you to all the families who contributed to items and for the Balmacewen students that came and spent their money.  Also thank you to our amazing teachers for helping out and supporting us. 

With the extra money raised, we decided to give the profits Presbyterian support so that families can have a better Christmas. Presbyterian support is an amazing fund that helps families all over New Zealand when they are going through a tough time.

During our Celebration Week we have taken part in all of the fun things that students have planned and organised this term. These include a water fight, forfeit quiz, sports shield competition and the Oscars where students can celebrate their talents.

It's been a lot of fun and as well as a lot of learning along the way.