Pacific Island Study Group

By Deb Tasi-Cordtz | Posted: Tuesday May 5, 2015
Students are relishing the Monday afternoon tutor sessions with University of Otago students.

This term the Balmacewen Intermediate Pacific Island Students have been fortunate to have the support of the University of Otago.  Each Monday we have at least 4 University students here to tutor, support and encourage our students.

The aim of the Pacific Island group is to support students with their learning in a safe and enjoyable environment.  

This week I asked two Year 8 students their thoughts on the Study Group.

The group is really good because you can get most of your homework tasks completed on the Monday and you don't get told off for not doing it at home. The Uni students go around helping everyone individually and you feel like you are getting extra help.
— Xanthe Maole
The group has helped me doing my homework better lately. The Uni students have been great and they help out a lot with our homework.
— Nasili Ikahihifo

Balmacewen Intermediate value the input from the University of Otago and thank them for their on-going support.
