Have a device? Then bring it to school! BYOD (bring your own device) has huge learning potential and allows endless possibilities for learning and teaching.

To ensure your child has the best possible access to digital learning resources, we strongly recommend that each student has their own chrome book or similar device.

All classrooms have facilities to lock devices away when they are not being used during the day.

If you have further questions or would like advice before purchasing a device, please contact us.


At Balmacewen Intermediate we understand that a key part of allowing students to bring their own and use school owned devices at school is to teach students how to be good digital citizens. Firstly all of our students need to read, understand and sign the school's digital citizenship agreement. As well as this teachers have discussions and lessons in class around various digital citizenship concepts including; choosing safe passwords, how to search the internet and research appropriate content, how to filter the material found and recognise trustworthy information and how to think critically and identify bias.

It is also important that parents and families are involved in learning about digital citizenship. We recommend netsafe as a great starting point when parents are searching for useful information in all areas of internet safety.