Year 7
Term 1 - Ūkaipō

Year 8
Term 1 - Ka Mua Ka Muri

Term 2 - Hooked on Science

Year 8
Term 2 - Wonderment

Term 3
The F factor

Year 8
Term 3 - Impact

Term 4

Year 8
Term 4 - Challenge

Best in New Zealand - ICAS results
Some of our pupils have recently completed the ICAS examinations which are an international competition designed to reco...
ICAS Assessments
Please read on for information regarding ICAS Assessments...
PBL in Rooms 3, 4 and 14.
After emerging from lockdown and our online learning Year 8 decided on a theme of 'Ka mua, ka muri; looking back in orde...
Year 7 News: The "F" Factor - Year 7 Term Three Focus
It has been a very busy Term for our Year 7 students - this newsletter contains a number of articles about some of the f...
Still the Same
In Room 10 we have been reading a story by David Hill call Still the Same.
Otago Museum visit
As part of our Term 1 topic we ventured to the museum to learn about Ecosystems and Habitats.
Room 24's visit to the Aquarium
As part of our term topic "Adaptation", we ventured to the Portobello Aquarium to ignite our minds and explore the suppe...
TERM 1 almost done!
The term is coming to an end - and then we take a breather.
Aquarium Igniter!
Today Room 14 went to the Aquarium to kick start out Term One Survivor unit - looking at structures and adaptations to e...