We have four technology subjects at Balmacewen Intermediate School. They are:
Food Technology taught by Alex Buttery
Art Technology taught by Mary Brady
Textiles Technology taught by Angela Burden
Hard Materials Technology taught by Mark Henderson
Year 8 Fabrics
Designing for our stakeholder
Year 7 Fabrics
Our Year 7 Äkonga are well under way in our Fabrics classroom.
Year 8 Foods
Year 8 Students are learning about flavour and texture before making their pie.
Year 7 Foods
The first group of Year 7 students have nearly finished their first rotation in Foods
Year 8 Fabrics Technology
Check out the photos of some fantastic work being created in our Fabrics room.
Year 7 Fabrics Technology
Term 3 has seen the last of our cushions go home with their proud Year 7 makers!
Y8 Designer Pies
Term 2 Food Technology students have just finished their designer pies.
Year 7's Food Technology
The Year 7's are cooking up a storm in the foods room.
Winter Warmers
Our Year 8 classes have all made a functional heat bag filled with rice or wheat. They have also designed and created a ...