


Introductory to Volleyball

Volleyball is delivered at Balmacewen School. Term 1 focuses on an introduction to Volleyball. During this time, instead of a competition, there will be practices on a Monday after school from 3-4pm, where students are able to learn the skills, techniques and rules of the game.

Ability Level; All levels of players are catered for and absolute beginners are welcome.  

Equipment;  All equipment is supplied.

When: Monday 3:00pm- 3:45pm 

Where: Balmacewen Intermediate Hall

In-School Competition

During Term 2, students are able to take part in our In-school Volleyball Competition, provided they have participatedin the Term 1 programme. 

Ability Level; All levels of players are catered for.  

Equipment;  All equipment is supplied.

Venue; School Hall

Time; 3-4pm

The fee for the school competition is $10 per student. Any exchange fixtures for Volleyball will be an extra cost on top of the competition fee. 

(TIC) Teacher in Charge: Terry Tarapi ttarapi@balmacewen.school.nz 


Edgar Centre Competition

During Term 4, students are able to take part in the Edgar Centre Competition, provided they have participated in the Term 2 programme. 

Ability Level; Experience is required.  This competition is not for beginners. 

Equipment;  All equipment is supplied.

Venue: Edgar Centre

Time: 3-7pm


The fee for the Edgar Centre competition is $40 per student. Any exchange fixtures for Volleyball will be an extra cost on top of the competition fee. 

(TIC) Teacher in Charge: Terry Tarapi ttarapi@balmacewen.school.nz