Water Polo
WATERPOLO (Term 1 & 4)
Waterpolo is played on Friday afternoon's at Moana Pool.
Start Date; Friday 14th Feb
Final Date; TBC
Game Times: Games are 20 minutes long and game times are anywhere between 3.30pm and 7pm.
Transport & Uniform: Students will need to find their own way to and from Moana Pool and must wear their issued pair of Balmacewen branded Togs over top of their personal togs.
Communication Platforms: Each week the Waterpolo draws will go up on the School Sports Notice Board, School Facebook Page and the School Website.
Trials: Trials for Water polo are on TBC. Therefore, please make sure your child brings there togs and towel to school and we will bus the students to and from the pool. Once Trials are completed all students will be expected back into class for the afternoon.
Subs for Waterpolo are ($30) - This fee excludes daily entry. Therefore, students need to pay pool entry at the pool each training and game.
(TIC) Teacher In Charge - Lisa Dixon - ldixon@balmacewen.school.nz
Waterpolo Draw- Friday 14th March
Waterpolo Teams