“Kōrero Mai, Kōrero Atu, Mauri Tū, Mauri Ora – Speak Up, Stand Together, Stop Bullying!”

By Lisa Dixon | Posted: Sunday May 16, 2021
Pink Shirt Day - this Friday 21st May.

This year Balmacewen Intermediate is going to support Pink shirt day. Pink shirt day focuses on inclusiveness, acceptance and anti-bullying which reinforces our school values of kindness and respect. Students are encouraged to wear anything pink as part of a mufti day on Friday. Year 7 students are going to the Edgar centre for a sports skills morning and so need to ensure they are wearing active wear for this session. There will be no charge for wearing mufti on Friday. This is a very important message with the rise of online issues and the impact of bullying on young people and their mental wellbeing. We look forward to a sea of pink on Friday!
