Whole school swim.
By Sara Quelch | Posted: Monday December 5, 2016
All students will arrive to school as normal but in their PE GEAR. Teachers will check the rolls and then walk with their class to Moana pool for a 9.30am start to the swimming. We will return to school for lunch. Students have a busy day with a whole school Poroporoaki in the afternoon also.
The school will cover the cost of the swim for all students as a thank you for all of their hard work this year. However, if students want to hydro slide, they will need to pay a fee of $3.00. This needs to be paid to their classroom teacher before Thursday.
Students are able to come to school in PE gear for the day to avoid uniforms, kilts etc getting lost or crumpled in bags, and to allow for uniforms to be clean and pressed for the final assembly on Friday 15th.