Year 8 News
By Terry Tarapi | Posted: Thursday February 27, 2025
Over the past four weeks, our Year 8 students have been focused on building positive relationships with both their peers and teachers. We are thrilled by the enthusiasm and positive energy they’ve shown. A key area of focus has been fostering a caring and welcoming environment for the Year 7 students, ensuring they feel at home in their new school. It has been heartening to see so many Year 8 students stepping up with maturity and leadership to help make this transition smooth. Events such as the Mihi Whakatau and House Sports have played a significant role in helping Year 7 students feel welcomed.
As the leaders of the school, your children are embracing new responsibilities. A big part of this is cultivating the school’s family culture, focused on Manaakitanga (respect, kindness, support) and Whanaungatanga (belonging), which remains a key area of focus.
This term, our learning has centred around people and events that have had a significant impact on our local region. The highlight has been a trip to Toitu Museum, where the educator took each class on a journey through the history of Ōtepoti (Dunedin). Students particularly enjoyed dressing up in period costumes.
In the coming weeks, each syndicate will host a quiz night to showcase their learning. This quiz is a key part of their Project-Based Learning (PBL) for the term. The students will plan and organise the event to share their knowledge of our local history with the wider school community.
We truly appreciate your support and involvement, which allows us to run such meaningful programs.
Kā Mihinui!
Year 8 Teachers