Message from the Principal

By Andrew Hunter | Posted: Wednesday December 1, 2021
We're on the homeward stretch and focused on making the last week of the year busy and fun!

Kia ora koutou katoa

Well, we're nearly there. 

After what can only be described as an unusual and challenging year, we have arrived at the the final week. Although there have been interruptions and changes to some of our normal school activities, it still feels as though we have had a very full and varied year. As much as possible we have endeavoured to maintain our learning and extra curricular programmes to ensure that the "Balmac experience" has been as good as always for our students.

My sincere thanks to all parent helpers who have contributed throughout the year. Without your support, many of our trips and sports could not go ahead. We are very lucky to have such outstanding support from our community. Thank you for giving your time to help our school.

It's also time to acknowledge the commitment and effort of the Balmacewen staff. They are a hard working and talented team who do their best every day in our school. I'm very grateful for all the excellent work you do!

Next week will be a mix of fun activity and end of year events. It will also be a time of reflection as we look back on the year that has been. For our Year 8 students, it sees the completion of their primary years. Having read through all the reports, I am happy to say that everyone is ready for the new challenges ahead. I know that our departing Year 8's will take with them skills and knowledge that will stand them in good stead for next year.

Ngā mihi nui

Andrew Hunter