Message from the Principal
By Andrew Hunter | Posted: Thursday October 31, 2019
Tena koutou katoa
Despite the very unsettled but typically spring weather, we have had a very good start to the term. Our programmes are up and running and we are well into normal Term 4 events and activities. It would be nice to think we can enjoy some sunshine as we move towards the end of the year!
On that note, we actively encourage children to wear hats and to apply sunscreen. Please consider your child's sun safety by ensuring they have a hat to wear and sunscreen to apply.
Term 4 is a fun term with a good number of class visits and events. We aim to keep the energy and engagement high as we move towards the end of the year. We always need support with outside of school trips so if you are able to assist please contact your class teacher. Your support may be the difference between a class trip taking place (or not).
We have some staff movements upcoming in 2020. We will farewell Tess Monaghan, Kate Elliott and Deb Tasi-Cordtz.
Deb has been at Balmacewen for 10 years and leaves to take up a Learning Support Coordinator role at Tahuna Intermediate. Kate will be teaching in China and Tess is returning home to Australia. We wish them all the best with their new roles.
We will welcome new teachers Jane Hendry, Leia Silby and Aaron Pitts to the Balmacewen team next year.
There's much to look forward to as we move towards the end of the year. Please note two other reminders in this newsletter, firstly our End of Year prizegiving and secondly School Account payments.
As always, please contact me if I can help in any way.
Kind Regards
Andrew Hunter