Message from the Principal
By Andrew Hunter | Posted: Wednesday February 2, 2022
Kia ora koutou katoa
Well done to everyone for making our first week so enjoyable!
It's an important time where friendships are made, routines are set and students become familiar with their new surroundings.
It is also a time when we start talking about "The Balmac Way". This is based around our school values, Perserverance, Excellence, Respect and Kindness. They are important concepts and help guide us in all facets of school life. I'm very pleased to say that I have seen many examples of these values in action already. It really is great to see.
There will no doubt be some challenges in the coming weeks/months however our focus will be on the overall well-being of our staff and students. As always, if you child is unwell, please keep them at home. We are well prepared and flexible in our thinking to ensure that our learning programmes can continue in the event of any disruption. In the meantime, there's plenty of fun activity coming up and I look forward to seeing everyone enjoying their learning.
Unfortunately our normal "meet the teacher" event cannot proceed. In it's place you will receive an email from your child's teacher about class programmes, upcoming events and other useful start of year information. Good home/school communication is vital to a child's success. Please contact us if there's something important we need to know (and we'll do the same!).
Ngā mihi nui
Andrew Hunter