Balmacewen Basketball 2018
By Richard Olsen | Posted: Wednesday March 14, 2018
Basketball games will be played every Monday after school at the Edgar Centre with game times varying from 3:30pm (early game) to 5:45pm (late game).
Basketball is on a Monday night. The season starts on the 14th May (Term 2) and finishes up on the 20th August in (Term 3).
Trainings for all teams will be held at school during the week and students must wear mouthguards at trainings and games.
If you don't have a mouthguard from another sport can you please come and see the school office.
The cost for your child to participate in basketball this season (Terms 2 & 3) will be $65 which will need to be paid before Monday 7th May.
You can register for Basketball by clicking on this link:
Registrations close on Wednesday 28th March. Once we have all registrations we will notify students regarding trials.
If you have any further questions regarding basketball please contact Richard Olsen or our sports coordinators: