What's hot in the Kitchen?

By Alex Buttery | Posted: Tuesday May 26, 2015
We have swapped technology groups around in both year groups, and are busy creating and tasting our creations.

After every session we add photos to our blog http://balmactech.weebly.com/  so dont forget to have a look at it.

In Year 8 we have designed our ice-creams, tasted, tweaked and remade them ready to sell. A wide variety of flavours can be found.  Its really great to see some groups trying new combinations of flavours and how they tweak them depending on their Taste Test Panel's opinions. The Bacon Ice-cream didnt get past this stage and the group went back to the drawing board and redesigned their flavour. Other groups have reduced or enhanced the flavours depending on their critics.  The groups then designed their advertisements and worked out their cost price.  Now they are ready to sell them at the Pop-up Parlours starting next week for some Year 7 classes.

In Year 7 we have completed our first unit "Our Day on a Plate", and now we are continuing with Unit 2 "I Made This!" 

Our major focus  has been to measure accurately and cut appropriately while following a recipe.  We have made Smoothies, Scones, Pizza, Muffins, Stir-Fry, Crumble, Sushi and Chocolate Cookies and looked at what we eat and why? It has been fantastic to see the confidence of the students grow as they have been making their food.  
