Pink Shirt Day!
By Lisa Dixon | Posted: Wednesday May 22, 2024
“Kōrero Mai, Kōrero Atu, Mauri Tū, Mauri Ora – Speak Up, Stand Together, Stop Bullying!”
On Friday May 18, our students and staff supported the Pink shirt day and the key messages that are important around being kind and inclusive of others.
It was fantastic to see our students in a sea of māwhero.Some of our classes also made and decorated cupcakes to share.At our Assembly we talked through the key messages of being an Upstander and not a Bystander. The challenge now is to enact our school values of kindness and respect every day, not just on one day of the year as this is a core part of our Balmac Way and PERK values.
Thank you to everyone who supported this cause.
Check out the awesome photos of our day!