Year 7 News

By Lisa Dixon | Posted: Thursday September 26, 2024
It is hard to believe we are at the end of Term Three. This has been a very busy term for all our students with sports, production and Polyfest. We are all ready for a well earned break over the next two weeks.

We started the term with our Olympic unit focusing on the "Human Machine" - the amazing things our bodies can do and looking at body systems. In our Health unit we started with Puberty before moving into Hauora and Well being. This has been a major focus in all our classes looking at our our wellbeing, how we can support our family wellbeing and some classe have completed a "Sensational September Challenge. Other students have been working on body system models and body escape rooms. In class we have covered aspects of social, mental, physical and spiritual health.

Throughout the second half of the term we were also very lucky to have every class take part in weekly wellbeing sessions with Amy- our St John's educator. These sessions have been invaluable to run alongside our Balmac Way, focus on strengths, skills for managing emotions, Kindness, gratitude and most importantly being mindful. We hope she will be back next year!

We are looking forward to Term Four also with planning well underway for our last term. Our focus for Term Four is the ARTS - pARTicipate is our theme for the term and we will be looking at drama, dance, photography, music and performance. Classes will be taking part in many workshops and ignitor sessions before planning their own performance as our PBL focus or creating picture books for local primary school clients. We will also be looking at storytelling with twisted tales narrative writing unit, poetry reading, speeches and character writing. We have planned workshops with the RNZ Ballet educators also which is always a fantastic session. Our students will also be taking part in an end of year EOTC event - Long Beach Rock climbing and activity day.

Thank you again for your continued support of our students and staff - it appreciated by all. Have a safe and happy well earned holiday break.

Lisa Dixon 

Year 7 Dean
