Year 8 News
By Terry Tarapi | Posted: Thursday August 20, 2020
At the start of the term, our Year 8 assemblies focused on the importance of displaying a growth mindset. Having an “Above the line” approach to learning is critical for your child’s development. This is where the students are open to learning, work collaboratively, and are curious and creative. Alongside important life skills such as connecting with people and directing their own learning it certainly gives the students the template to be happy and successful in life. We look forward to continuing these sessions once we are back in Level 1.
For our integrated theme this term we have begun our Design Investigations. Our first project was looking at the capital works that Balmacewen Intermediate will plan over the next 5-10 years. The students worked through the process to identify an area they wanted to develop across the school. The ideas included an outside classroom, a gym, Room 13 /14 upgrade, outdoor leisure space… The students enjoyed sharing their work with Mr. Hunter along with the persuasive writing to convince him that their idea should be pursued.
We were thrilled to have Christian from Attitude NZ come in this week and talk to the students about keeping safe online. The presentation was called Tackling Technology. This is especially relevant to our students as it is a major stressor for our students. Being kind online was the number one tip he gave to our students.
Unfortunately with the move into level 2 - COVID 19, we have had to postpone our Year 8 residential camps for Rooms 7 and 23. Once details have been finalised for a catch-up session we will notify you as soon as possible. Hopefully, there will be good news today and the remainder of the trips this term will go ahead.
Kind Regards
Year 8 Staff