Alert Level 2

By Andrew Hunter | Posted: Tuesday August 11, 2020
We are under Alert Level 2. School is open but please read on for important reminders.

We've been here before, let's hope by doing the right thing, we can beat it again.

Important Reminders

1. If your child is unwell they should stay at home. If your child is unwell at school we will contact you to collect them. Likewise, if you believe your child has health needs that still make school unsafe, please contact us to discuss how we can support you.

2. Hand washing and/or sanitising are very important and all classes have facilities. Children are welcome to bring their own personal sanitiser if they wish.

3. We recommend students bring a full water bottle to school each day.

4. Social distancing in class can be challenging. Students should not be in the same "breath area" as others or deliberately touch others. We will avoid any groupings of 100 or more in the meantime so this means no assemblies or larger gatherings.

5. Students will be pleased to know that play, PE and fitness are all permitted although we will halt playtime tackle rugby/contact sports for now.

6. We are required to keep a register of visitors to school. If you come to school please ensure you report to the school office first.

7. A reminder that drop off and pick up is best away from our main school gate. Please consider using the rugby club car park.

Moving forward there may be a number of events affected. Please stay tuned for any postponements or cancellations.

Ngā mihi nui

Andrew Hunter