Food Focus Fitness
By Jake Scott | Posted: Thursday July 26, 2018
Focus, has been the theme for week one in room 9 and how to support our emotional wellbeing. We looked at some coping strategies to deal with the pace and demands of life as a 11-12 year old in 2018.
Being in the moment, was a particularly enjoyable practise, seen above. Students were expected to focus on the moment and concentrate on the here and now. It is something we have agreed is worthwhile and needs to be done again.
Next room 9 will be visiting Ms Downie in week 2 to explore Food and maintaining their physical wellbeing. Week 3 will be with Mr Brew and Fitness.
During our Library time, room 9 have also been continuing with their picture book reading. Emphasis has been made on their delivery and the audience has also been involved in listening and responding to questions. Great to see confidence and participation growing throughout room 9.