
By Hannah Cowie | Posted: Monday August 22, 2022
All about our School Cross Country, class PE sessions & upcoming sport events.

First up we had our school Cross Country a few weeks ago and it was a really great afternoon filled with lots of house spirit! Lynn House took the win, with the most points earned by their runners. Congratulations to the following students who were top 3 in their year groups:

Year 7 girls 
1st Ora W
2nd Julia H
3rd Lailah R

Year 7 boys 
1st Mateo M
2nd Archie R
3rd Theo K

Year 8 girls 
1st Isla G
2nd Isabelle F
3rd Charlie H

Year 8 boys
1st Lawrence B-C
2nd Ethan M
3rd Oliver S

Our focus for this term's class PE sessions are based around hockey, badminton and athletics skills and drills. Enjoy looking at some pictures of the students in action. 

We have two big upcoming sport events. Two teams are heading to Aims Games in Tauranga to compete in week 7. We wish them all the best! As always we look forward to our sport exchange with John McGlashan and Columba in week 8, we will be battling it out across a variety of winter sports! More information to come about this soon.  
