Term 2 Year 7 news
By Beth Downie | Posted: Thursday July 6, 2017
Congratulations to all of our students on completing their first ever science fair inquiry. The effort, the organisation and the outcomes of these inquiries are impressive and I know the children are so very proud of their work and their achievements. What they have learned from the science fair inquiry will certainly help them in the future; be it time management, following a process or procedure, contacting an expert or a number of other equally important skills or habits that have formed. It is clear that all Super Six featured heavily during this process. Well done to you all and as always, thank you to our families for their continued support.
It was great to see a good turn out for our parent meeting this week discussing our Pubertal Change unit that we will begin teaching in Term 3. If you were unable to attend this meeting and wish to find out more, as always please don’t hesitate to get in touch with your child’s classroom teacher. We will be following this Ministry of Education document http://health.tki.org.nz/Key-collections/Curriculum-in-action/Positive-Puberty The learning outcomes and lesson sequences are well worth a read.
Looking ahead to Term 3, we have an exciting day visiting the Anatomy Museum , Forsyth Barr Stadium and Unipol at the University of Otago . We also have a sports morning at the Edgar Centre as well as exciting programmes learning about body systems and changes in bodies, learning mindfulness techniques, a health and nutrition focus as well as writing and presenting speeches and writing strong persuasive letters.
Have a fantastic holiday and enjoy the family time. We look forward to seeing you all for parent interviews in Week 1, Term 3.
Beth Downie and the Year 7 team.