Year 7 news , June 2015
By Beth Downie | Posted: Thursday July 2, 2015
We have enjoyed our Y7 Large Ball tournament where all pupils have enjoyed playing a rotation of games that showcase their large ball skills that have been the focus of our Term 2 PE sessions. We have played NFL, American football, football stopball, kick long ball, sky ball and some old favourites such as dodge ball and bench ball. The overall class winner will win the coveted freshman shield - as yet, not all rotations have taken place so the winner is not yet known!
It was great to see a good turn out for our parent meeting discussing our Pubertal Change unit that we will begin teaching in Term 3. If you were unable to attend this meeting and wish to find out more, as always please don’t hesitate to get in touch with your child’s classroom teacher.
Looking ahead to term 3, we have a number of visits coming up including visiting the Dunedin Art Gallery, rock climbing at Long Beach, a sports morning at the Edgar Centre as well as exciting class room programmes learning about body systems and changes in bodies, writing and presenting speeches and writing strong persuasive letters.
Have a fantastic holiday and enjoy the family time and we look forward to seeing you for parent interviews in Week 1, Term 3.