Message from the Principal

By Andrew Hunter | Posted: Sunday June 28, 2015
Well done for making it to the end of Term Two!

It has been an excellent term, full of high energy activity. Our learning programmes have been based around Science and Science Fair with some outstanding efforts on display. Congratulations to everyone who came up with an original idea and then managed their time to produce a project. The variety of projects was amazing and the sight of hundreds of projects in the hall was very impressive.

Our winter sports programme is in full swing and as usual Balmacewen teams are performing with excellent results. Even more importantly teams are working together well showing good sportsmanship and cooperation. Keep up the good work everyone!

Your child will bring home their mid year report on Friday. The report is a progress statement designed to give you an update since the start of the year. It will also provide next steps to focus on through to the end of the year. The report will also provide a point of discussion for parent/teacher interviews which are scheduled for the first week of Term Three. The booking system is open online now. If times or days do not suit, please email your child's teacher to arrange an alternative.

Finally, thanks to our students and hard working staff for their efforts this term. I hope everyone enjoys a restful break and I look forward to seeing you all back to start Term Three.

Best wishes

Andrew Hunter