Recount Writing
By Deb Tasi-Cordtz | Posted: Tuesday February 23, 2016
This term one of our writing focuses is RECOUNTS. We are trying to not only tell our story, but to paint a picture with our words and really entertain our reader.
Please see below a couple of examples of our writing following our Pineapple Track Tramp.
Rrrrringggg! Finally the bell has gone, i’m so excited we’re going on the amazing pineapple track! We are now all sitting on the mat and can’t wait to go. Mrs Tasi-Cordtz calls out the roll and we’re off! Yayyyyy there is a double decker bus! I am so lucky because i get to go in the front! it was unbelievably freaky, every second it felt like i was going to crash into a metal pole or fence. creek,we are here now and it’s really really sunny and hot… seriously? Is that what we are walking up, it’s like as steep as Mt Everest. I whispered to my friend and said “ i’ll see you on the other side! - Evie Holt
When we reached the monument I felt like I was going to collapse so I opened my drink bottle lid and took a sip of water. As the cold water dripped down my throat my body felt a lot cooler. After a while I was running down hills jumping over rocks and speeding around corners it felt so good. When we reached the place that we were going to have morning tea I was starving it felt like my stomach would start to eat itself, then we were off again. When we reached a big white building I thought it was the end but it wasn’t. As we were walking down the rooty hill I wondered why its was called the pineapple track. Before I knew it we were on the bus back to school. - By Caleb Rollo
We finally get down the big shady hill “Phew” I say as I sit down we are finally finished. Then suddenly out of nowhere the teachers say we’ve still got 15 minutes to go. I pull myself up and start walking again. It felt like ages still walking and slipping over but we finally got to the end and the end and the bus was there. YAY we’re done. We can hop on the bus and relax. - By Max West