By Sara Quelch | Posted: Sunday September 4, 2022
Our uniform is available new from:
The U Shop - 84 Filluel Street. (see pdf's attached.)
Second hand uniform is available from our Uniform Shop (located in the school hall).
Cash only
The dates for the Uniform exchange are:
Tuesday 20 December 2022 4.00pm - 6.00pm
Tuesday 24 January 2023 4.00pm - 6.00pm
Uniform for sale needs to be in by 12 noon on the 16th of December
Full school uniform is to be worn to and from school every day.
Macewen Tartan Kilt, White Blouse, Red Jersey, White Ankle Socks (Note: ankle socks refer to the style that come to at least the top of the ankle bone, not the sports style socks that sit below the shoe line. Socks should not have any logos etc on them), optional navy tights in winter. Black Lace Up Leather Shoes (not canvas/sport or Mary-Jane style). See images attached or our website for images of correct uniform and acceptable shoes/socks.
Grey Winter Weight Shorts, Long Sleeve Winter Weight Grey Shirt, Red Jersey, Balmacewen Intermediate Socks, Black Lace Up Leather Shoes (not canvas/sport). See our website for images of correct uniform and acceptable shoes.
Please be sure to mention Balmacewen Intermediate if you purchase school shoes from The Athletes Foot or The Shoe Clinic as they have school rewards programme. See attachments below.
One plain stud earring may be worn in each ear. Multiple piercings are not permitted. Wearing of other jewellery is not permitted. Makeup and nail polish is not permitted.
Hair is to be of natural colour. Long hair (over shoulder length) should be tied up. Hair ties and clips should be black or brown. Scrunchies and headbands are not permitted.
PE gear (including sports shoes) is to be bought to school every day.
Balmacewen Sports Top, Balmacewen Sports Shorts, Sports Socks, Sports Shoes.
Sports Tops and Shorts are only available from Uniform Group - 84 Filluel Street -
Please note that we have moved to a new style of PE top and shorts and the old PE t.shirt is no longer acceptable
We have available an optional Balmacewen Sports Jacket which can be purchased from Uniform Group - 84 Filluel Street.
The school Hoodie can be ordered via a google form on the school website from Monday 20 February 2023. This is optional and can only be worn with the PE uniform.
Please ensure all uniform is clearly named.
Please see seperate article for DISCONTINUED UNIFORM.