Pasifika group - can you help us?

By Sara Quelch | Posted: Thursday March 15, 2018
Talofa, kia orana, bula vinaka, mālō e lelei, kia ora, mâlô nî, fakaalofa atu, Ia ora ni,

Do you have knowledge, skills, experience or interest in the Pasifika culture? Last year we had a success with our first ever Balmacewen Pasifika group. We are in the process of putting together our group for 2018. We are looking to harness these skills from our school community. We are on the hunt for someone to lead, choreograph and grow the knowledge of our Pasifika group, with teacher support. It will consist of a group of about 30 children. One main goal is to perform at Polyfest this year.

If you are interested please get in touch with me via email: