My First 18 Days at Balmac
By Lucy Currier Room 7 | Posted: Wednesday February 11, 2015
On the first day I came home with a heap of notices. "Okay," I sighed, thinking they'd all be "Welcome, hello, we hope you have a great time here," etc etc, but NOPE! They were all these notices about awesome stuff like going to the beach for a day, going to Toitu and even walking the Pineapple Track! I love it already!
It was a hot Friday lunchtime and the queue for Frosty Friday ice-block selling was huge! I didn't know this amazing idea would be this popular!
Just as we were getting our new school email addresses, we heard a crackling sound followed by: "Hello Balmacewen..." Then interrupted by the class going, "woooooaaaahhhh!!" As if we had never seen an intercom in our whole life!
Did you know we get to do heaps of creative stuff at Balmac? We get to do Technology ( Foods, Sewing, Art and Hard Materials ) and everywhere you look there is art! On the buildings, in the class, EVERYWHERE!!
In my 18 days at Balmac I have signed up for various things such as volleyball and playing the trumpet! They are both new experiences to me, so it's very exciting!
To be officially part of Balmacewen we had a PÅwhiri! I had never had one of those before so it was an amazing experience and it gave me goosebumps!
Lastly we even get to be in House Groups! There are Lynn Lions, Chapman Chimps, Highgate Hawks and the Shetland Ponies! (I like all of them but I think Lynn is going to win it this year!)
And this is why I love Balmac already and can't wait to see what the rest of the year will have to come!