Time travel by Shima Jack

By Beth Downie | Posted: Saturday March 5, 2016
Read Shima's excellent recount about our visit to Toitu and the Chinese Gardens.

Room 6 took a trip back in time on the 3rd of March when they went to explore the Toitu museum.

First we explored the history of the early settlers in the form of a slideshow.

We listened closely as we learnt about how the early settlers made Dunedin grow from a muddy village to the proud great sophisticated city it is now.

After we took a walk and visited important historical places and symbols like the First Church, the bell that gave Bell Hill it’s name, and the place where the ships first touched the ground on Water Street.

Then we learnt about the Chinese gold miners, about how they made a life for themselves here in Dunedin. We learnt about how they were mistreated and how the laws were unfair just because of where they came from.

We visited the Chinese Garden, and took lots of photos.

We had a great time, learnt lots about our history, and got a really good feel of the early settlers history.
