Message from the Principal

By Andrew Hunter | Posted: Wednesday July 6, 2016
Term 2 has been very busy and successful. I hope everyone enjoys a well earned rest over the holiday break.

I've just finished reading student mid-year reports. Whilst I enjoy reading about the progress and achievement children have been making, I especially enjoy the student self evaluations. It's refreshing to see the sense of developing self-awareness that children display. It is a reflection of honest and meaningful learning conversations between teacher and child but also the awareness of children at this age to know what their strengths and weaknesses may be.  Insightful, amusing, delightfully unfettered, they provide a very nice picture of what learning is like for your child. No-one is the finished product, everyone is most definitely work in progress. It's important to remember that positive messages and building resilience are very important factors in child development.  

We look forward to discussing your child's report with you at interviews, week one next term.

On another note, I wish to welcome into our school three new students from Syria. Welcome to Waafa, Iman and Maher. We are very happy to have you in our school. Thank you to Balmacewen staff and students for being so helpful and welcoming.

Our building programme is edging closer to completion. Early in term 3 we should have our remaining "nomad classes" back into their rooms, albeit with  some finishing work to complete on the new additions. 

Thanks to everyone who has supported our programmes this term. From camp helpers to sports coaches, we simply couldn't do what we do, without you.  Thank you for your continued support of our school, it is very much appreciated.

The holiday break will no doubt give everyone a chance to take take a step back from the busyness of the school term.  

As always, don't hesitate to call if I can be of any assistance.

Kind Regards

Andrew Hunter