Message from the Principal
By Andrew Hunter | Posted: Wednesday September 23, 2020
Tēnā koutou katoa
This term has been a mix of "business as usual" and adapting to change. Like all parts of our lives, it has made us think differently in order to keep people healthy and safe. Our continued effort to maintain normal school programmes has been at times challenging but mostly very rewarding as we looked for ways to keep high interest activities and at the same time, manage health guidelines.
I'm pleased to report that despite some expected limitations, our Term 3 programmes have been excellent. Our Dunedin Hospital Rebuild PBL has brought out the best in creative thinking, collaboration and authentic learning. It has been amazing to see the variety of ideas and the genuine engagement from our students as they present their thinking. Great work everyone!
As you will see, there's plenty to celebrate in this month's newsletter. Congratulations to our prize winners and those with special achievements. Well done to you all.
Our ongoing focus continues to be around our Balmac Super Skills as we help our students develop positive skills that cut across all areas of the curriculum. They really are skills for life and promote healthy personal and inter personal behaviours.
It is also the end of our winter sports season. My sincere thanks to all who have coached and managed a team this year. The support and time you give makes a real difference to our children. It's much appreciated!
Warmest congratulations to Kirsty Munro, Jane Hendry and Aaron Pitts who have all won permanent positions at Balmacewen. Thank you to all Balmacewen staff for their continued good work and perseverance.Your consistent "above and beyond" attitude is much valued. Have a well deserved break.
I hope everyone enjoys a good holiday break with some nice rest and relaxation. Please think about a healthy mix of activity for your child over the break. Try to balance screen time with other activities and reinforce healthy sleep patterns.
I'm looking forward to welcoming everyone back next term and now that we are in Alert Level 1 I hope we can enjoy the full range of options planned for in Term 4.
As always, feel free to contact me if I can help in any way.
Ngā manaakitanga