Message from the Principal

By Andrew Hunter | Posted: Sunday February 2, 2025
Welcome to 2025

Kia ora e te whānau

A very warm welcome to Balmacewen 2025!

We have had a great start today. The sun is shining, teachers are smiling and there is plenty of excited energy around the school.

The playground was buzzing with lots of fun and activity.

A special welcome to all new Year 7 students and a warm welcome back to our Year 8's.

As a school, we spoke today about our Balmac Values with special attention on Respect and Kindness. We talked about how we can make our school safe, happy and fun for everyone.

Kind words, kind actions. A very simple mantra to help our tamariki think about creating a caring environment. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone make this happen.

The start of the year is busy and there is lots of information to take in. Learning new names and routines, making new friends and finding your way around the school to name a few.

It won't take long before all the "newness" becomes familiar. I encourage everyone to embrace this challenge with a positive "can do" attitude and make the most of every opportunity that comes along.

I look forward to seeing you at our Meet the Teacher Evening Wednesday 5 February at 7.00pm. Please meet in the hall.

We are here to help! If you have any questions or information to share, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Ngā mihi mahana

Andrew Hunter