Message from the Principal
By Andrew Hunter | Posted: Friday February 26, 2016
We've barely paused to take a breath since the start of the year. It is an intense time where we set up routines and expectations that will serve us well throughout the year.
We talk regularly about challenge, coping with change and having a "growth mindset".
A growth mindset sees opportunities and positive outcomes from new experiences. It is about persevering, practising and striving to improve, whatever the starting point may be. I happy to say there's plenty of positive thinking and attitude being shown. Keep it up everyone!
I encourage you to attend our parent-teacher interviews. The more we share information and work together, the better the experience for you and your child.
On the building front, we are ready to fully take over our new back block. It is looking fantastic and will provide a great new space for students and teachers. Builders are now into Block Two for the next round.
Thanks again for being part of the Balmacewen community, as always if I can be of any assistance, please make contact.
Kind Regards
Andrew Hunter