Message from the Principal
By Andrew Hunter | Posted: Sunday November 5, 2023
Kia ora koutou
We are well into Term 4 and I'm pleased to report that the energy and enthusiasm for all activity is outstanding!
It is a time when it becomes very obvious just how much growth there has been in our students since the start of the year. Our Year 8 students are definitely making the most of their final weeks at Balmacewen and showing that they are ready for the upcoming shift to high school.
It's great to see a continuing positive attitude of respect and kindness in our school. The expectations around our school values of Perseverance, Excellence, Respect and Kindness are a major focus as we encourage our students to finish the year in top shape. Likewise, our class programmes remain in full swing with plenty of fun and engaging learning to look forward to. Teachers are also conducting end of year assessments in preparation for writing reports which will be sent home in the last week of term. Of course, there will also be a number of class and school events that provide some highlights as we head towards the end of the year.
Looking forward to next year, thanks to those who helped provide feedback for the Board's next strategic plan. Thank you for your contribution.
Let's hope the summer weather plays it's part over the next few weeks and we can really enjoy a nice run in to the end of the year!
Ngā mihi mahana
Andrew Hunter