Welcome to Room 3 2018

By Sophie Napper | Posted: Saturday January 27, 2018
Welcome to parents and caregivers of Room 3 students. Here is where you will find upcoming dates of trips or activities planned and what we have been working on in class.

Below are the important dates for Term 1 2018. There will be more to add to the list in the coming weeks:

Week 1: 

Wed 31st Jan: First Day Back - Meet in the hall at 8.50am

Fri 2nd Feb: Itinerant Music Concert (showing the musical instruments on offer to learn at Balmacewen).

Week 2:

Tues 6th Feb: Waitangi Day - School Closed

Wed 7th Feb: Kiwi Golf Lesson and Meet the Teacher 7pm followed by Camp Meeting in the hall

Week 3:

Wed 14th Feb: Swimming Lesson (leave at 12.25pm, return 2.35pm)

Fri 16th Feb: Mihi Whakatau

Week 5:

Fri 2nd March : Balmacewen Swimming Sports at Moana Pool

Week 6:

Wed 7th March: Swimming Lesson (leave 12.25pm , return 2.35pm)

Week 9:

Mon 26th March: Otago Anniversary Day - School Closed

Wed 28th March: Swimming Lesson (leave 12.25pm, return 2.35pm)

Fri 30th March:  Good Friday - School Closed.

Week 10: 

Mon 2nd April: Easter Monday - School Closed

Tues 3rd April: Easter Tuesday - School Closed

Wed 4th April: Swimming Lesson (leave 12.25pm, return 2.35pm)

Thurs 5th April:  Southland Exchange (At Balmacewen)

Fri 6th April: Swimming Lesson (leave 10.25am, return 12.35pm) and House Captain Speeches

Week 11:

Fri 13th April: End of Term 1

I look forward to meeting you in the near future.

Sophie Napper