Year 7 News Term 4 update
By Beth Downie | Posted: Tuesday October 24, 2017
We have had a busy and fun start to Term 4.
In week one we were lucky enough to have Stu Duval visit for two sessions. All students loved listening to him weave a story to music. He then created a piece of art in less than 3 minutes! A number of classes were lucky enough to win this art for their classroom! The second session of Stu's visit was a writing workshop where he taught some easy to remember key points about how to craft an awesome piece of writing !
This week the trips to Long beach have begun. It is great to see children working hard as a team to support each other in conquering the rock face. There has been team work displayed in the beach and cave activities also and this is excellent to see. As always, thanks to our parent community who have helped out on these days out.
Next week we are lucky enough to have Pagan from the Royal New Zealand Ballet in next week and each class will have a 90 minutes session learning the basics of ballet and creating a dance. There will be photos from these sessions in our end of term newsletter. Pagan's sessions support and build on the arts rotations that we have been having in Year 7.
Lastly, congratulations to all our pupils who have involved themselves in the biennial Wearable Arts Show. It was a superb showcase of the performing arts and you all should be proud.
This term is going to fly by! If you have any questions about the upcoming term or anything that is happening in your child's class - please don't hesitate to get in touch.
Beth Downie and the Year 7 team.