March Mega Math Month

By Sara Quelch | Posted: Wednesday February 19, 2025
For the month of March, we are having a major school wide push on times tables.

Times tables are vital parts of mathematical knowledge. We use our times tables every day in all facets of life.  When a child confidently knows their tables, other mathematical learning becomes easier and more rewarding. The instant recall of times tables, particularly at the maths levels expected at this age group is a necessity. 

Here’s what we are going to do: Over the month of March we are going to set a whole school target for the improvement of our times table knowledge.

To find a baseline, every student will be tested on 100 times tables. The test will be timed, with a cut off of 6 minutes. This is to reinforce that times tables knowledge should be fluent and not have to be “worked out.” Students will come home with their results on the Friday of each week of May either in their books or on a google doc.   This can be sited, signed, discussed and returned to school.  

Obviously many students do know their tables well. We want every student to have something to work for, therefore both score and time will be factors taken into account.

There is no one best way to commit times tables to memory, so we have listed a variety of resources and methods below, from the “tried and true”, through to websites.  Five to ten minutes daily at school and at home will hopefully see our whole school scores and times improve.

As an incentive for the students to try their hardest on this task, if the whole school achieves the target we will have a small reward for everyone.

Further information is in the letter attached:
