Message from the Principal

By Andrew Hunter | Posted: Sunday May 29, 2022
As you will see in this newsletter, we have been very busy, with class programmes in full swing and winter sports underway.

Kia ora e te whānau

Speaking of sports, we extend a very warm welcome to our new sports coordinator, Kate Ebrahim. Kate is a great addition to Balmacewen. Kate is both a teacher and an elite sportswoman and brings her energy and passion for sport to our school. I also want to acknowledge all coaches and managers who have volunteered to help our teams. Thank you, your support is much appreciated.

Hauora is a constant theme in our school. A common topic in my conversations with parents is around managing this potentially tricky time in a young person's life. Negotiating expectations and setting boundaries are regular areas of discussion. Getting it right will set a great platform for a happy and healthy adolencence and it will be no surprise that device use and social media access are often top of the list. Remember, just as you'd ask your child "where are you going?". "what are you doing?" and "who are you with?" if they were leaving your house, the same questions apply to childen's online activity. Your child will always need your support and guidance to manage the complexities of life both in-person and online. 

We are heading towards mid year and continue to gather learning assessments and next steps for your child. Mid-year progress reports will be shared with you before the end of term. They will be used as a discussion point for parent teacher interviews in the last week of the term. We are here to help, so as always, if there is something you'd like to discuss with your child's teacher, please contact them directly.

Ngā mihi mahana

Andrew Hunter