Octacan 2022
By Rachel Smart | Posted: Wednesday June 1, 2022
Octacan is an organisation that supports many local people through the colder months. They organise local food drives and appeals which will go to the Family Works Foodbank. This year Octacan will be held on Thursday 23rd of June. This is because it ties in with Matariki, which is a time when traditionally mid-winter celebrations were held and people got together to share kai.
Matariki is important as it signifies our connection to food resources and the environments they can be found in. Five of the Matariki stars are connected to areas of our environment where food is harvested.
This year the organisers will again be arranging donated cans into the shape of the Matariki cluster, and each star will represent a particular food group.
You can help by donating a can of food or other useful non-perishable food items to support families who are struggling to buy food and feed their families.
At school in week 6 and 7 the School Council will be collecting food items for this year's Octacan appeal. Non-food items such as toilet paper, nappies, toothpaste, soap, shampoo etc are much needed items that can be donated.
You can bring these into Block 3 and place them into the boxes in the Learning street. The school council will deliver these to the Octagon on Thursday 23rd June.