Message from the Principal
By Andrew Hunter | Posted: Friday November 6, 2015
It has been an excellent start to the final term. As usual our programmes are full of energy and interest as we look to round out the year.
It is a time where teachers are gathering end of year achievement data for both parent and Board reporting. It is great to see how much students have developed and grown over the year. It is definitely a highlight of this age group and the reason intermediate schools are such an important part of our schooling system. Reports will be given out on the final day of school, (Friday Dec 11).
On the staffing front we sadly say farewell to Fergus McLean (Wanaka) and Ben Hitchcock (Taranaki). We wish them all the best for their new positions. We also say good luck to Kelly Hunter who will be on maternity leave next year.
In their absence we will be joined by next year are Carrie Suszko, Jessie Peat and Jake Scott.
I'm looking forward to the next 5 weeks (hopefully with some fine weather) and encourage all students to maintain the high standards expected in all areas.
As always, if I can help in any way, please don't hesitate to call.
Kind regards
Andrew Hunter