Principal's Message
By Sara Quelch | Posted: Sunday December 11, 2016
Dear Parents and Caregivers
What a great year we have had!
Thank you to all who have contributed to our school this year. It is a time to reflect on the many highlights and successes throughout the year and to recognise the excellence and determination of our students.
Our Prize giving Assembly will be held on Thursday December at 11.00am in our school hall. This is a celebration of achievement and personal endeavour and a fitting way to end our school year. Students will be released following the assembly at approximately 12.15pm.
I take this opportunity to thank our departing Year 8’s and wish them all the very best for their transition to high school. I am certain they will all continue to build on the excellent foundation established at Balmacewen. Our current Year 7’s are already eyeing up leadership opportunities for next year and I look forward to seeing them continue the tradition of Balmacewen excellence.
I wish to thank the dedicated and hard-working staff of Balmacewen. Their commitment and energy is much appreciated and valued. They create the atmosphere and environment for which our school is renowned.
Thank you also to our excellent Board for their support and guidance throughout the year. Next year is already shaping to be a big year for our school. Record student numbers, more building projects and new staff will make for an exciting and busy time.
To all the Balmacewen Intermediate community, I wish a very happy and safe Christmas.
Kind Regards
Andrew Hunter