Message from the Principal
By Andrew Hunter | Posted: Friday March 26, 2021
Ngā mihi koutou
Now that we are well into Term 1, it's great to see classes coming together. Friendships are forming and teachers are enjoying learning more about the personalities in their classes.
Building positive relationships is such an important element in your child's development. Learning how to make friends and keep friends, learning to navigate the up's and down's of pre adolescence are both areas of focus for us. Self control and emotional regulation are keys to ongoing success. Being able resist impulsive action and to stop, breathe and think before acting, will often lead to far better results in relationship building. A very simple part of this is around sleep, food and screen time. Depending on what website you check, the recommended sleep for a 13 year old is 9 - 11 hours per night. It is noticeable when children haven't had enough sleep. More often than not lack of sleep is accompanied by late night screen time and compounded by lack of breakfast. Even though your child may insist they know better about bedtime/screentime, remember to "hold the line" if you want them to be at their best the next day!
As we know, building relationships is a lifelong task. It's definitely fun and rewarding watching the progress of our young people. Kia kaha e te whanau!
Ngā mihi nui
Andrew Hunter