A Nurse's War

By Anna Garthwaite | Posted: Thursday August 4, 2016
By Hetty Waters

And I hear The last post,

Tis this I love and hate the most;

Though I have survived through night and day,

So many others have passed away,

As I try help them through their strife,

But Is it my fault that so many men lose their lives?

All these deaths are numbing me,

And I'm not who I used to be,

I don't know if I'll ever be again,

The girl who volunteered to save the lives of men,

Is this the place where I'll meet my end?

There’s just one thing for which I've sought,

To rebel against the way people have fought,

But the government makes the choices here,

And because of them I've lost all i hold dear,

As the light is turning the smoky Air dim,

I talk to God and plead to him,

I beg that If I wake up tomorrow,

the war will be over and i’ll have no more sorrow

Alas this is never the way,

With The last post starting another day,

And I'll have to fight in my own way.