Southland Sports Exchange 

By Lauren Roney | Posted: Monday September 21, 2015
Well done to all students who competed and represented Balmacewen exceptionally well at the Southland Sports Exchange.

This term we had two exchanges with Southland Boys and Southland Girls High School in Invercargill.  They were both very successful days with some excellent results.  Well done to all students who competed and represented Balmacewen exceptionally well.

Southland Girls Results:

Hockey 1-1

Y7 Netball - 22-14 to Balmac

Y8 Netball - 24-16 to SGHS

Y7 Basketball - 35-10 to Balmac 

Y8 Basketball - 40-25 to Balmac

Southland Boys Results:

Hockey - 6-0 to SBHS

Y7 Basketball - 46-22 to Balmac

Y8 Basketball - 54-33 to Balmac

Football - 24-0 to Balmac

Rugby - 28-24 to Balmac
