Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen.
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen.
The Vision Hearing Technicians from Public Health South will be visiting your school to screen all year seven students f...
We are a Royal School of Church Music affiliated choir and provide a good opportunity for children to gain a good ground...
The Year 8 students present their house speeches.
Enter on your own or in a team with our school's name to win $1000 for our school
Netball South would like to offer the Programme Steel Club to your students once again.
The Year 8 Students welcome New Staff and Year 7 Students into Balmacewen with a stirring Mihi Whakatau.
Year 7 students were officially welcomed to Balmacewen Intermediate yesterday by a powhiri.
This morning Room 4 students took part in a hands on learning experience at the Portobello Aquarium to kick start their ...
Room 8's first class trip for 2017 took us all the way out to the Portobello Aquarium on Wednesday morning.
This week Room 4 had their first beep test of the year. The 'Beep Test' is a timed running test in which participants mu...
We have been busy in Room 11 over the first two weeks of term. Settling into the Balmac way, whilst taking part in swimm...
The igniter session at the Portobello Aquarium was a marvellous learning experience.