Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen.
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen.
Over the past couple of weeks in Room 26 we have been learning about being good citizens both online and in the real wor...
- By Devon
During the first 2 weeks of term we've been busy completing our first unit of work. The unit is based around ourselves a...
$45 Single Player, and $20 Each additional family member
When: - Online anytime if you have received your ...
Hatch Education offers opportunities to explore a range of technology supported by teachers and assistants. You can book...
Invites all current players and families, together with other interested Year 7 & 8 students and families to an informat...
Dunedin Public Libraries City Library is starting an afterschool book club
This is a chance for people of all ages to meet university scientists, try some fun hands on experiments and have a chat...
Sharing our awesome name art.
Room 11 in action!
We had another awesome, energetic and full on fitness session - there were lunges, burpees, sprints and shuttles......we...