Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen.
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen.
This notice provides information about school during Alert Level 3.
Hello Balmacewen Community! Amadeo here with an update on how you can join in the Fun Science sessions from home while w...
Our proposed Teacher Only day on Friday 3 September has been cancelled.
We're starting the week at Alert Level 4. Please read on if your child needs a device delivered to your home.
The Prime Minister announced that from 11.59pm tonight that school will be closed for 3 days.
This notice is to advise that Friday 3rd September will be a Teacher Only Day.
Please find a copy of the newsletter for the school cross country below...
It's time to sign up for this year's Performing Arts Show.
Otago Hockey are excited to be holding their development programme this year for anyone in our Intermediate competition....
Please note that all visitors must report to the school office (this includes parents!). Please do not go directly to cl...
We welcomed and celebrated Matariki with a fabulous hangi kai for all of our ākonga and kaiako this afternoon.