Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen.
Keep up to date with the latest news and events from Balmacewen.
Covid has shortened our time in class, but not our enthusiasm.
The writing extension group have been taking part in Storyathon (a challenge to write a story in exactly 100 words) Cong...
The second unit in Year 7 has seen the students put their own twist on some classic foods.
The year 8's have been cooking up a storm in the kitchen this term.
The Year 8's have made some great pies this term
On Monday 21 September Rooms 9, 10 and 11 got out to do the Pineapple Track walk. It was a fabulous day and there were s...
This term the school council has run a mufti day and Round-Up Wednesday to raise money for our chosen charity - The Canc...
Unfortunately The Blamac Girls Team had an interchange against Columba cancelled earlier this term due to Covid restrict...
A group of students have been working with a class of Year 2 students at Maori Hill School to help them bring their Dune...
It has been a fantastic finish to our term. In the last few weeks we have had visits to the Art Gallery, our first Year ...
On Wednesday night some of our Year 7 classes set up in our school hall to present their term three PBL projects to thei...
Our school athletics day is scheduled for Friday 25th September. The notice for this is attached.